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Thorin & Monte Review the INFAMOUS Doublelift, Sneaky & Meteos Debate
Thorin & IWD on Building a Super Team Around Bjergsen vs Doublelift - LoL
How Doublelift RUINED LCSPA Negotiations - LoL
C9 Jack on Removing Meteos & Sneaky - LoL
Monte & Thorin on Reginald's Verdict - LoL
IWD & Thorin Debate on Doublelift's Early Career - LoL
Monte & Thorin on Wunder Drama & Finals vs G2 - LoL
IWD, Thorin & Zaboutine on Vitality's TERRIBLE Botlane - LoL
Monte & Thorin HILARIOUS Review of Nicole LePointe Jameson TV Interview
Thorin, IWD & Jensen Goh on TheShy & WBG - LoL
Players Wanted Him to Get Bjergsen for S12! - Reflections with Jack Etienne 1/2 - League of Legends